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The Ultimate Eggnog Recipe

Eggnog Recipe

Naturally, of course! Eggnog is a beloved Christmas beverage known for its rich, creamy flavor. Here’s a traditional recipe to make eggnog in your house:

Eggnog | Masalamingles
Eggnog | Masalamingles


  • 6 massive eggs
  • 3/4 cup of granulated sugar
  •  2 cups full-fat milk
  • 1 cup of thick cream
  • 1 teaspoon of natural vanilla extract
  • Ground nutmeg, 1/2 tsp (more for garnish)

It’s optional to add bourbon, brandy, rum, or a mixture (to taste, about 1-1.5 cups).

Eggnog | Masalamingles
Eggnog | Masalamingles


Transfer the egg whites and yolks separately into a mixing bowl. Sort the egg whites so you may use them later.

The Ultimate Eggnog Recipe 2023 |MasalaMingles

In a large separate mixing bowl, beat the egg yolks and granulated sugar until the mixture fades and thickens just a little.

Transfer the heavy cream and whole milk into a saucepan. Heat the aggregate over medium-low heat, stirring regularly, until it just starts to simmer. Now, don’t boil.

The Ultimate Eggnog Recipe 2023 |MasalaMingles

Gradually add roughly half of the warm milk and cream mixture to the regularly whisked egg yolk mixture to gently temper it. This will prevent the eggs from curdling.

Pour the tempered egg yolk mixture into the saucepan with the remaining cream and milk. Allow the mixture to gently simmer over low heat, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon, until it slightly thickens and coats the spoon’s back. Five minutes is all that should be needed for this. Be careful not to boil or overheat the mixture to preserve your curdling.

Remove the skillet from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract and floor nutmeg. Allow the mixture of eggnog to cool.

You can add brandy, bourbon, rum, or a variety of spirits once the liquid cools down. Adjust the quantity to suit your tastes.

Spoon the set-aside egg whites into another small mixing dish and beat until stiff peaks form.

The Ultimate Eggnog Recipe 2023 |MasalaMingles

Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the cooled drink aggregate to lighten and add frothiness. Proceed with caution to preserve the lightness of the drink.

After the drink is in a serving dish or tumbler, chill it for at least two hours, or until it gets cold. Cover the drink with a cowl.

Before serving, give the cocktail a slight stir. Pour the chilled drink into glasses, sprinkle a little grated nutmeg on top of each serving, and savor!

The Ultimate Eggnog Recipe 2023 |MasalaMingles

Homemade eggnog is a classic treat for trips. To suit your tastes, feel free to change the amount of alcohol, spices, or sweetness. This festive, creamy drink is perfect for raising a glass to the arrival of summer!

Eggnog | Masalamingles
Eggnog II Eggnog Recipe | Masalamingles

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